Bank details

Bank details:

ITN number of the foundation: 207 276 595

JSCMB Ipoteka-Bank” Yunusabad branch,

Bank code – 00837,

Main account number: 20212000800881753001

Special account numbers:

s/a : 20212000000881753002 "Charity" (For people who pay voluntary charity funds)

s/a: 20212000100881753003 "Zakat, Ushr, Fitr and Fidya" (For carrying out financial and religious obligations)

s/a: 20212000300881753004 "Waqf" (For donations in order to purchase waqf properties made on the way of Allah)

Special account numbers for the actions:

s/a: 20212000900881753007 Action "Book" (For collecting and buying funds and books from the population and sponsors and making waqf to mosques and madrasahs)

s/a: 20212000900881753008 Action "Aid to science" (For collecting donations to support gifted (low-income) students of religious educational institutions)

s/a: 20212000200881753009 Action "Mosques" (For repairing and reconstructing the buildings of mosques and madrasahs)

s/a: 20212000600881753010 Action "Healing" (For helping patients in need of treatments that require large amount of money)

s/a: 20212000700881753011 Action "Weddings" (For assistance to wedding ceremonies  of people in need of social protection)

s/a: 20212000800881753012 Action "Household" (For collection, purchase and donation of food for people in need of social protection)

s/a: 20212000900881753013  Action "Support to the needy" (For collection of necessary items of clothing and other household stuff for needy people)

s/a: 20212000000881753014  The poject "HASANA"

s/a: 20212000900881753015  Action " Comfortable housing"

s/a:  20212000100881753016  The poject "WAQF waters"

Currency account numbers :

Types of donations "Charity", "Zakat, Fitr, Ushr, Fidya" or "Waqf" must be indicated in the "Purpose of payment".

AС “IPOTEKA-BANK”, Unus abad branch,
branch code 00837, SWIFT UZHOUZ22, Addres Uzbekistan, Tashkent city, Amir Temur 89

Main currency account number: - 20212840400881753001 (USA $);             

                                                    - 20212978300881753001 (Euro );

Special currency account numbers (USA $):

s/a: 20212840600881753002 "Charity" (For voluntary donations)

s/a: 20212840800881753003 "Zakat, Ushr, Fitr and Fidya" (For carrying out financial and religious obligations)

s/a: 20212840000881753004 "Waqf" (For donations in order to purchase waqf properties made on the way of Allah)

Currency accounts for the actions (USA $):

s/a: 20212840500881753007 Action "Book"

s/a: 20212840700881753008 Action "Aid to science"

s/a: 20212840900881753009 Action "Mosques"

s/a: 20212840200881753010 Action "Healing"

s/a: 20212840300881753011 Action "Weddings"

s/a: 20212840400881753012 Action "Household"

s/a: 20212840500881753013 Action "Support to the needy"

s/a: 20212840600881753014 The poject "HASANA"

s/a: 20212840700881753015 Action "Flourishing house"

s/a: 20212840800881753016 The poject "WAQF waters"