"Waqf properties"
Address : 100002, Tashkent city, Almazar district, Karasaray street, 47
For reference :
Purpose of the campaign :


Today, part of the world's population transports clean drinking water over long distances and consumes this water, by maintaining a lot of time in artificial structures. However, while the extraction of underground water from a well at the expense of large amounts of money allows for the extraction of water from the well, the population may not have the material capacity to produce this well. To this end, the employees of the family business together with the Fund "Vaqf" with the support of generous people began an action on water supply at the expense of accumulated funds with the definition of such territories. At the expense of the funds collected within the framework of this action, the possibility of watering can be created not only on the territory of Uzbekistan, but also abroad.

Executed work:
The funds allocated under the campaign will be used to provide residents of the regions with drinking water.

The reward of quenching the thirst of a person is enormous, while the satisfaction of the needs of a whole neighborhood or rural people causes the great rewards to fall.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “whoever brings out water to a place where there is water, it will be as if he had freed a soul, and whoever brings out water to a place where there is no water, it will be as if he had raised up a soul” (narrated by Ibn Asakir).

Our people have a lot of proverbs and sayings about quenching thirst. The release of water is an unusual approach to relieve the pain of hundreds of people. A person who has done this rewarding job will receive eternal reward all his life.

Participate in a charity event to achieve great rewards. You can add your contribution to the charity through the following electronic payment systems.

Collected sum : 0 soum

This action is completed!

25 January