In Kashkadarya, the Vaqf Foundation will hold 5 charity events

To get acquainted with the condition of the needy people living in remote areas and villages of the country, to meet with teachers and students of religious schools, to provide water in villages without drinking water, to conduct the project "Support of the Vaqf", in order to carry out a number of other charitable activities, the head of the Foundation Yahya Ubaydullayevich and his deputy Muzaffar Salomov are currently in Kashkadarya region.

The scientific address of the visit was Khoja Bukhari madrasah in Kitab district. Food products were donated to 21 teachers at the abode of knowledge. Master Yahya also planted a seedling in the courtyard of the madrasah.

The visit continues ...

In Kashkadarya, the Vaqf Foundation will hold 5 charity events
27 November, 2021 Year | 910